The Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) is the leading institution which carries out basic and strategic applied research in
Slovakia. The SAS supports those scientific disciplines which have attained international level and which are deemed necessary
for the advancement of Slovakia.
By its structure, the SAS is subdivided into three scientific sections, that encompass
57 scientific research institutes, and
adjunct organisations that provide for support activities.
The composition of the respective sections is as follows:
Section I: Earth and Space Sciences, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Information Sciences, Technical Sciences
Section II: Medical Sciences, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences
Section III: Social Sciences, Humanities
As regards the SAS international scientific co-operation, its respective scientific institutes rank among prominent institutions
involved in joint participation in multilateral projects, mainly the EU framework projects and scientific programmes under COST,
ESF, NATO. Especially the involvement of many SAS institutes in the FP6 of the EU is a success story of the SAS research
scientists. During FP6 there were 110 participations of the SAS research groups in 96 EC-contracted FP6 projects.
The institutes of the Slovak Academy of Sciences are ready to exploit the chances provided by the 7th framework programme of the
EU and to co-operate with new partners in all thematic areas of FP7. The SAS presents here 56 offers of thematic proposals by
which the SAS research groups could enter FP7 project consortia oriented to solve particular priority research aims.
The SAS researchers would very much appreciate if other researchers, who are also interested to find partners for the joint
activities under the FP7 in the related thematic areas, would contact them.
Information on research activities of SAS institutes is on